Hawaii Pacific University

About Me
To be totally honest, I'll be a bit surprised if you've heard of me before.
After all, I'm way out in the middle of the ocean, plus I'm pretty quiet. I'm definitely the shy, kinda nerdy kid who sits in the back of class. With no fraternities or sororities around, parties are rare.
My students are also quite, er, studious—which is good, since a lot of them are working on becoming health care professionals. I'm pretty sure everyone wants their nurses and psychologists to really know their stuff. Right? Right.
To help my students dive deep into their studies, I offer them two super useful libraries: one in downtown Honolulu, and another that offers up incredible views of the Ko'olau Mountains. How many schools can boast both a metropolitan library and one featuring stunning natural views? That's right; not many.
Just because my students take their studies seriously, though, doesn't mean they don't know how to have fun. From movie nights to my annual Halloween funfest, I can guarantee you'll find something that fits your taste.
Sharky. Yeah, I know—clever name for a shark.
You can find me stranded in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Palm trees, beaches, and sunshine are my best friends. That's right, the beautiful city of Honolulu is where I call home.
Body Type
Small, petite, dainty—however you want to word it—the reality is that a little less than 5,000 undergraduates and about a thousand grad students proudly say they attend me.
And you know what this means, right? A small student population yields small classes; small classes mean a high quality learning experience; and a high quality learning experience means a quality job after graduation. Boom.
Current Living Situation
If you're one of the unlucky freshmen who ends up stuck in Hawai'i Loa, you get to suffer through a year of no air conditioning and cafeteria food...not to mention you'll also be kicked out during winter break.
Once you get past this horror, though, you earn the privilege of living in a waterfront apartment. You'll share this apartment with one to four other people, but will have the option of selecting a single bedroom. As a bonus, you'll get air conditioning, a kitchenette, and a fridge—it's basically like living off campus, without all the hassle of finding your own apartment.
Relationship Status
I don't like to make enemies, but if I had to choose one, it would be the University of Hawai'i. I mean, it's the state university around here, so of course it's going to be more popular than I am. That's okay, though: the students who attend me know I'm amazing.
You should apply to me if...
you like a side of fresh ocean air and adventure with your serious studies. After all, what's the point of going to college in Hawai'i if you're not going to get out there and enjoy the scenery?