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Feeling like grammar is never straightforward? Subject-verb agreement is here to cut you some slack. (Enjoy the sweet simplicity while it lasts.)
Here's the hard and fast rule:
Subjects must agree with their verbs in number.

Simple, right? Singular nouns take singular verbs. Plural nouns take plural verbs.
Now, just like any other grammar concern, subject-verb agreement isn't without its tips, tricks, and caveats. And so, it is with great fanfare that we present what we're calling Special Topics in Subject-Verb Agreement, starring (drumroll, please):
- The "One –S" Rule
- Compound subjects that use and
- Compound subjects that use or/nor
- I and You
- Measurements
- Here and There
- None
Grab your popcorn, Shmooper, and sit back, relax (okay, don't relax too much), and learn more about subject-verb agreement.