FSA Algebra 2 EOC
Shmooping the Sunshine State, Algebra 2 style.
- Pages of review: 28
- Videos: 61
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Let's get one thing straight: Algebra 2 isn't twice as much algebra as Algebra 1, even if the math checks out. Instead, the FSA Algebra 2 EOC assessment builds on topics that are already in the mental filing cabinet you reserved especially for math. (You do have one of those, right?) Refresh your memory and prepare for the assessment with Shmoop's guide, which includes in-depth topic review, practice problems, and full-length assessments. It's not just Algebra 2: it's Algebra 2: Electric Boogaloo.
What's Inside Shmoop's Online FSA Algebra 2 EOC Prep
Shmoop is a labor of love from folks who are really, really into learning. Our test prep resources will help you prepare for exams with comprehensive, engaging, and frankly hilarious materials that bring the test to life. No, not like that. Put down those torches.
Inside Shmoop's FSA Algebra 2 EOC guide, you'll find...
- full alignment to Florida Standards
- a comprehensive diagnostic exam
- two full-length assessments
- fun and engaging review
- tons of practice questions
- technology-enhanced items
- test-specific strategies
Check out our other FSA EOC Prep:
Sample Content
Establishing Relationships with Multivariable Equations
Create equations in two or more variables to represent relationships between quantities; graph equations on coordinate axes with labels and scales (MAFS.912.A-CED.1.2)
High school and Algebra 2: all about relationships. Believe it or not, Algebra 2 relationships might actually be the ones with more drama and heartache.
Don't believe us? How about the relationship between our bank account (y) and the number of hours we work (x)? If we make $6 per hour, that relationship is represented by y = 6x. If we started with $10 in our bank account, that equation changes to y = 6x + 10. If we're saving up to buy a new PlayStation, we might as well calculate the function that defines how many tears we can cry per night, because it's going to take us a while to save up the money.
Got a bicycle? If we ride our bicycle at a constant speed, we can graph the distance we travel (y) over the time that we ride (x). For example, if we ride our bike at 5 miles per hour, that relationship is y = 5x. If someone else rides our bike at 15 miles per hour without our consent, that relationship involves filing a police report.
Assuming we were smart enough to keep the bike locked up when we weren't using it, though, we can graph the function that defines our leisurely bike ride by choosing three values and making ordered pairs, a pair of x and y-coordinates that define a point on the graph. We only need two to define a line, but a third point is best just to check for errors. Our equation is y = 5x.
- For x = 0, y = 5(0) = 0. One ordered pair is (0, 0).
- For x = 1, y = 5(1) = 5. The second ordered pair is (1, 5).
- For x = -1, y = 5(-1) = -5. The third ordered pair is (-1, -5).
Plot those three points on a graph and draw a line through them.
We're finished, right? If this were just an equation without context, yes, we would be, but we know this represents riding our bike. Negative values of x wouldn't make sense, because then we would be riding our bike for negative time. Unless we have a time machine on our bike, that doesn't work.
- Pages of review: 28
- Videos: 61
Schools and Districts: We offer customized programs that won't break the bank. Get a quote.