FSA Algebra 1 EOC Benchmark And Intervention
Shmooping the Sunshine State, Algebra 1 style.
- Practice questions: 126
- Practice exams: 2
- Pages of review: 46
- Videos: 73
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Getting ready for the Algebra 1 EOC Florida Standards Assessment? Wondering how you'll review the material if you can't even remember the full name of the test? That's what we're here for. Shmoop's Benchmark and Intervention product includes a full-length benchmark assessment that can be administered throughout the year—and targeted review and practice questions to help students master every standard on the test.
What's Inside Shmoop's Online FSA Algebra 1 EOC Benchmark and Intervention Prep
Shmoop is a labor of love from folks who are really, really into learning. Our test prep resources will help you prepare for exams with comprehensive, engaging, and frankly hilarious materials that bring the test to life. No, not like that. Put down those torches.
Inside Shmoop's FSA Algebra 1 EOC benchmark and intervention product, you'll find...
- full alignment to Florida Standards
- a comprehensive benchmark assessment
- targeted review topics
- practice questions to promote mastery
- technology-enhanced items
- test-specific strategies
Check out our other Florida Benchmark and Intervention products:
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- FSA Algebra 2 EOC Benchmark and Intervention
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Sample Content
Constraints of Equations and Inequalities and Interpreting Solutions
Represent constraints by equations or inequalities and by systems of equations and/or inequalities, and interpret solutions as viable or nonviable options in a modeling context (MAFS.912.A-CED.1.3)
At this point in the game, you're pretty much da bomb when it comes to writing and solving equations, inequalities, and systems of both. However, there's more to this stuff than just solving for m, n, and p.
These equations often represent quantities from real life. m might be the number of quarters we found under the couch, while n might be the number of those quarters our little sister stuck up her nose. Yuck.
If we solve for m and get an answer of 12.35, we have a problem. It's pretty much impossible to have 35% of a quarter, so the answer would be rounded down to a much more reasonable 12.
Similarly, if the solution to n is 9.07, it would be necessary to round that down to 9. While we have no doubt that our little sister is quite talented when it comes nasal gymnastics, it's unlikely she's found a way to slice off 7% of a quarter to shove up there.
As long as you remember what the variables actually represent, you'll have no problem acing these questions on test day.
- Practice questions: 126
- Practice exams: 2
- Pages of review: 46
- Videos: 73
Schools and Districts: We offer customized programs that won't break the bank. Get a quote.