Florida Southern College

About Me
Out of the many secrets in the South, I'm probably the best-kept one.
I'm a higher education triple threat. I've got brains, beauty, and athletics. Yeah. That threatening. If you've ever wondered where all of those super-involved, try-hard students from high school end up, they're probably here. I especially excel in business, biology, and music. I'm an overachiever magnet and proud of it.
Not to mention my campus is also the world's largest collection of Frank Lloyd Wright architecture. It's my claim to fame. The students try to act passé about the thousands of tourists each year, but deep down, they know it's pretty cool. Especially the snazzy planetarium he designed for the Polk Science Building.
Yeah, my students are much too busy immersing themselves in my clubs to be reveling in touristic glory. With over eighty student organizations, ranging from the Nature Enthusiasts Club to the Mocapellas (my campus a capella group), it's difficult not to be busy around here. The year-round sunshine doesn't hurt, either.
As a Moc, get ready to taunt your northerner friends with swimsuit photos in the middle of December. It's not optional. You just will.
Also, I have an absurd amount of gardens. Other than just being awesome overall, it's kind of my thing.
Moccasins (a.k.a. Mocs)...the snake, not the shoe
You can find me in the sleepy town of Lakeland, aptly named for having a ridiculous number of lakes (thirty-seven, to be exact). Things are mellow here—I'm smack dab in between two thriving cities, Tampa and Orlando. Look closely enough down the highway and you can almost make out the roller coasters.
Body Type
With a student population of 2,700, you could say I'm pretty cozy. My version of Mission Impossible would be walking across campus without seeing anybody you know. (Spoiler alert: you can't).
My average class size is twenty, meaning the professors will pay close attention to you, whether you like it or not. Luckily, I'm not the kind of school that forces you to listen to lectures ad nauseam. I'm into "engaged learning," which is just a fancy way of saying I require loads of student debate and discussion within the classroom.
Current Living Situation
Being a private college, I am a little bit stricter when it comes to housing. There's a visitation curfew for the opposite sex's room and most students are required to live on campus their first two years. Greek life also maintains an on-campus residency.
On the upside, the dorms are nice and bathrooms are cleaned regularly by maintenance. Most housing offers a lake view, and my students have the option to live in off-campus apartments after their second year. Apartments come furnished by the school and are pretty big (all things considered).
Relationship Status
Don't let our Division II status fool you—I belong to the Sunshine State Conference, one of the top-ranked conferences in the NCAA. Competing schools must live in Florida to be in the conference, and no school is more than a three-hour drive away. This makes our rivalries particularly fierce. University of Tampa is my number one nemesis. They're like the less-cool, less-talented version of me.
I have a Methodist affiliation, but you'll rarely notice it unless you seek it out. Several youth groups are active on campus and there's also an optional Mass on Sunday. Oh, and we pray before major school assemblies…but nobody is trying to force anything down your throat.
You should apply to me if...
you're ready to wear red all the time and a perfect tan is on your bucket list.