Rate Anticipation Swap


Categories: Muni Bonds, Bonds

Swaps work by having two parties trade the income generated by interest rate-bearing investments. You have a 6% fixed rate investment, but trade the cash generated by that holding for the proceeds of a 5.5% floating-rate investment. The other party gets the sure return of the fixed rate. You get to gamble a little on the floating rate, hoping it will go up.

The rate anticipation swap adds a wrinkle. The transaction involves the extra fun of guessing rate changes in the future. The details of the swap contract take into account a prediction of where interest rates will move during the period of time the swap exists.

These projections are necessarily guesses. The investors are betting that a set of circumstances will occur. The participants in the swap have a particular view of what will happen with rates and are trying to profit on that prediction.

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Finance: What are Bond Anticipation Note...26 Views


Finance a la shmoop what our bond anticipation notes revenue anticipation


notes and tax anticipation notes? and yeah a whole lot of anticipation going


on there all right a few things in life are certain one of them is that there [People watching movie]


will always be another James Bond movie coming out and we will all anticipate it


and um well that's kind of what anticipation notes are all about, minus the


massive explosions ticking bombs and cars that squirt oil out of the tailpipe


when a municipality or company wants to fund a project but


just can't wait to issue a larger number of bonds or more money or fatter dough [Stack of cash appears]


to get going with the union construction workers building parking lots and


whatever else it is they want then they can issue bond anticipation notes... these


are short-term smaller bonds issued before a larger funding project like


anticipating the large bonds that they just know are coming in but can't wait to get


started so let's go raise the money today right when the company or


municipality makes a larger bond issue later while they can use the money from [Money transfers to company]


that issue to pay for the bond anticipation notes, like borrowing


from Peter to pay Paul sorta so that's a bond anticipation note and the same


applies to revenue anticipation notes like let's say you're guaranteed a


million dollars from the NFL for the purchase of your super duper lemonade to [Check for super duper lemon appears]


be paid on the day after the Super Bowl well the NFL's credit is good they pay


their bills odds are really good you'll deliver what you promised to the NFL to


slake the thirst of the thirsty and yelling in theory you could issue a note


ahead of that blessed event go Packers! and collect the million bucks


ahead of when NFL pays you paying whatever risk premium to your investors [Money transfers to investors]


ie they might pay you nine hundred fifty grand today for a million bucks a week


or two or three from now when the Super Bowl is over while in real life these


kinds of "revenues" are really more like fundings and


they apply to very short-term muni bonds usually which are trying to bridge cash [Pile of money falls]


needs from today until they can actually raise the dough from John Q local Public


Citizen well tax anticipation notes are yet another flavor of the same drink tax [Person opens can of cola]


anticipation notes rely on the fact that the city will collect X dollars in taxes


so many months from now they issue bonds today using that expected tax money that


they just know is coming in as collateral so that they can you know pay


for stuff today so yeah those are bond anticipation notes, revenue


anticipation notes and tax anticipation notes be sure to watch our equally


thrilling video invest another day.. spoiler alert Q invents an auto [Q and Pierce Brosnan with a robot]


investing bought for 007 you'll be on the edge of your seat...

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