Market Index Target-Term Security - MITTS


Categories: Bonds, Derivatives

MITTS are a kind of hybrid investment, bringing together some aspects of both debt securities and equities. Like debt securities (things like bonds and notes), they pay off no matter what the market does (as long as you hold them to maturity). But, like equities, MITTS still show a return when the stock market is doing well.

The MITTS were first devised by Wall Street investment firm Merrill Lynch, who wanted to create a way for investors to limit downside risk during stretches where the overall market was down.

The MITTS trade like stocks, and their payouts are tied to particular stock indexes. If the index tied to your particular MITT goes up, you get a return based on the amount it rose. If it goes down, you don't get a return, but you do get your principal back. No gains, but no losses either.

However, the investor doesn't receive their return until the MITTS reach maturity. Also, the gains are only proportional to the underlying index...not the full amount. If the S&P 500 rises 10%, the MITTS tied to it don't necessarily pay off the full 10% gain. The investor only gets a portion of that return.

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Finance: How Do You Judge the Performanc...132 Views


finance a la shmoop. how do you judge the performance of an index fund? very


carefully. actually performance means something very different when it comes


to an index fund versus an actively managed fund. in an index fund the


manager doesn't really do anything per se other than rebalance the indices so [man sleeps at a desk]


that they conform to whatever the product was that you bought in the first


place. for example a technology index fund might claim that 12% of its


holdings will have wireless telecommunications related stocks as a


target, but never less than 10% and never more than 15% .and in most cases the


actual stocks that go in the fund are identified beforehand like before the [man smiles at camera]


funds actually really launched. and the relative weightings of those investments


is also predetermined .ie the fund might target having three percent of its total


as shares in Verizon. but if Verizon suddenly does extremely well and doubles


in price in a short period of time well the index fund might have to sell


shares of that stock so that it's weighted holding amount won't pierce the


maximum weighting of 15%. but all this relates to the composition of the fund [pie chart]


not necessarily the performance. since an index fund is a reflection of a given


area like these examples they conform to a general theme, like the Vanguard total


stock market index. the broadest based reflection of the overall market. like


the S&P 500 plus Nasdaq plus the New York Stock Exchange indices or another


one might be the Vanguard small cap Value Index, largely companies under a


few billion bucks in market cap which trade at relatively low price to [value index listed]


earnings ratios ie they are value stocks rather than say growth stocks. all right


next one might be the Vanguard emerging markets stock index. that one's all about


third world countries trying to become second worlders how's that Nigerian


oil exchange looking? or what about investing in Vietnam these days? the


Napalm is mostly washed away by now. and then move it on. yep there's the Vanguard [sink with the water on]


intermediate term bond index, and yes there are bond index funds as well.


intermediate just means that the bonds in this set of bonds mostly come due


within about five years or so. the bottom line is that an index fund


isn't really a managed fund. it's just a reflection of whatever group of stocks


or bonds it is supposed to reflect. so if an index performs poorly, all of the [man holds stock]


fault lies in the one who chose that particular index fund, not the manager of


the fund because well there basically wasn't one, so if your fund as poorly and


you want to scream at the idiot moron financial manager who screwed up your


retirement by picking a bad investment vehicle ,well go find a mirror. [woman grimaces and cries]

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