Dow Jones Asian Titans 50 Index


The Dow Jones Asian Titans 50 Index is what it sounds like: it’s full of 50 heavy hitters (blue-chip securities) in the Asia-Pacific region. It’s a capitalization-weighted index, which means the number of shares a company counts (not just the price alone). It also uses other weights and measures, like net income and current revenue of the companies involved.

The Dow Jones Asian Titans 50 Index is a sibling to other Dow Jones Titan Indexes, representing the Asia-Pacific. Japan takes up a large part of this index. While China’s economy is on the up-and-up, it’s still not weighted so heavily in this index, since this index isn’t representing reality so well anymore based on how it weights stocks. For instance, many investors may be looking at the S&P Asia 50 instead, which looks at blue-chip companies from Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, and other Asian markets (but still not China…). Hmmf.

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finance a la shmoop- what is the Dow Jones Industrial Average? well it's just


an index. it's a basket of 30 industrial stocks hence the catchy industrial word [list of the 30 stocks involved in the Dow]


in there and it was started in 1896 by Charles Dow and Edward Jones sort of the


Coke and Pepsi of stock averages in the day .worth noting is the fact that while


the Dow average is quoted often in the press it's not something that real Wall


Street traders really rely on that much as a market place holder anymore. why?


well because the Dow comprises only 30 stocks. it isn't really a broad market [Dow Jones in the trash]


representation, and you know the way the S&P 500 is the 500 is bigger than 30. Big


Brother has way more stocks and is thus way more liquid than the relatively


blippi set of 30 stocks that the Dow offers. over time the Dow has changed as


companies were bought and/or died and or just withered and became no longer


relevant. i.e. newspaper industry. which means that this thing has gone through


more faces than Kanye West .yeah. [Kanye West faces pictured]

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