Breakup Value


The sum total of the worth of a company’s individual assets.

Gordon is a vulture investor who owns a small lizard that he licensed to GEICO for their commercials. He makes his money by buying financially distressed companies and selling off their various departments. He recently bought Jenga Corp., which manufactures guns and butter, for $10 million.

Gordon’s research showed that, after churning the cream, Jenga had been pumping it into the gun molds, making gun-shaped pats of butter.

He realized that the breakup value of Jenga was more than twice his investment by selling the dairy-related assets to a local farmer for $500,000, and the gun molds to Smith & Wesson Corp. for $25 million.

No relation to what happened when the Biebs said bye to Taylor Swift.

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Finance: What is a Pac Man Defense?21 Views


Finance a la shmoop what is a pacman defense?


[Pacman eating] yeah well wacka wacka to you too...Hostile takeovers are rare in real life not so


rare in pac-man but when they do happen there exists a whole cadre of strategies


behind defending them at least from the company's perspective being taken over


there and pac-man defense is inarguably the best named strategy of all of


them in essence what happens when we'll say an angry competitor let's call him


blinky Inc tries to buy an angrier competitor let's call them inky inc.


well blinky would be buying shares of inky in the open marketplace filing to [Blinky and inky appear]


go past 15% ownership and eventually own enough shares to elect its own Board of


Directors and make a takeover happen well in a Pac Man defense as blinky is


snarfing up shares of inky, inky buys shares of blinky sort of turning the


tables you know like this and while you're gobbling up that competition and [Pacman gobbling competition]


don't forget to eat a bunch of cherries or a strawberry every once in a while


because you know you still need your fruits and veggies

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