Accounting Event


A payment. A receipt of inventory. A final contract on a sale. A realization of a really bad debt to be recognized. All of these are accounting events, i.e. things that need to be recognized on the books as a Thing. Just staring at a column of numbers doesn't count as an event, even though it's oh so common in this sport.

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Finance: What is an 8k?3 Views


Finance a la shmoop... what is an 8K... K filing and no it's not a TV pipe size [Person watching Orange is the New Black]


nor a race it's just a filing a legal filing in a public company you have to


file an 8K when anything significant happens and you have to file it within


four days of when the event occurred so what's significant well that's things


like discovery of fraud or of a sexual harassment lawsuit that was filed or a [Examples of reasons for filing an 8K]


CEO resigning or a big company layoff or a big move out of California for half


the employees to save taxes or if the company gets quired by Kim Jung-Un


enterprises.....That's an 8k you file it


when something happens yeah not like this guy don't need to file when the [Man painting a lobby pink]


lobby is painted no matter what the new color does to anger visitors...

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