Smarter Balanced Grade 6
Strengthen your (Common) Core with Shmoop.
- Practice questions: 256
- Practice exams: 14
- Pages of review: 9
Schools and Districts: We offer customized programs that won't break the bank. Get a quote.

For anyone who's felt a shudder go down the back of their spine at even the mention of Common Core State Standards, this one's for you. We at Shmoop are here to give you the armor, the weaponry, and the battle supplies to head into war come the day of your Grade 6 Smarter Balanced Assessment. Show this beast who's boss.
What's Inside Shmoop's Prep For Grade 6 Smarter Balanced Assessments
Shmoop is a labor of love from folks who are really, really into learning. Our test prep resources will help you prepare for exams with comprehensive, engaging, and frankly hilarious materials that bring the test to life. No, not like that. Put down those torches.
Smarter Balanced-Aligned Items
No second guessing here. Every single item, from review guide to performance task, in Shmoop's guide is fully aligned to the Smarter Balanced Consortium Assessment, which means every single item is also fully aligned to Common Core Standards. What can we say? We like to be thorough.
Two Full-Length Practice Assessments and Performance Tasks
If you've ever been curious about what the actual test will look like, we've got you covered. Our two full-length practice assessments are meant to mirror what you'll see on game day. Want to know where to throw most of your review efforts? We've also got a diagnostic exam to measure your strengths and... lesser strengths. Game on.
Technology-Enhanced Items
The fine folks at the Smarter Balanced Consortium believe plain ol' multiple choice is plain ol' boring. They've got a whole wide range of questions, like sentence select and drag and drop questions, to keep you on your toes. If that thought sounds intimidating, no worries. We've got examples of every question type you could possibly see.
- Practice questions: 256
- Practice exams: 14
- Pages of review: 9
Schools and Districts: We offer customized programs that won't break the bank. Get a quote.