Chapman University

About Me
Being a private school with a strong film program in Southern California is sort of like being the Clippers and sharing the Staples Center with the Lakers. No matter how much my notoriety grows, I will always be in USC's shadow.
But that's okay.
Unlike that rose bush your mother killed by deciding it could be an indoor plant, I happen to thrive in the shade. With state-of-the-art facilities, my Dodge College of Film and Media Arts boasts one of the most competitive and sought-after film schools around. My film production and creative producing majors are filled with students who intern at Lionsgate and Warner Bros.
That's just how I operate. "Work hard, play hard" may sound cliché, but it's my life philosophy and boy, do my students embody it. My business school is another point of pride for me. Students can expect to be taught by professors with long careers in finance and accounting. Whoever said those who can't do, teach?
My teachers have done, will do, and do do (settle down, kids) on a daily basis. Basically, my professors know what they're talking about and are more than willing to connect students with internships and jobs.
With me, you'll find some of the most motivated and hardworking individuals you can imagine, all grinding away to be successful in fields like film, business, and journalism. I support it all by pushing students to take on internships and get real-world experience.
At the same time, let me assure you, I know how to relax and get down. Disneyland is practically in my backyard, and my students get a discount. That's right, you'll be able to take a spin on Space Mountain in between classes.
Chapman Panther
Old Towne Orange. Formerly a quaint little town, Chapman's continued growth has brought tons of restaurants and college shops to the area.
Body Type
Have I mentioned I'm beautiful? Well, I am. Seriously, like drop-dead, how-is-this-real-life gorgeous. My students tend to reflect that, as well. In terms of numbers, I have 6,005 undergraduate students and 1,887 graduate/law students. It's the perfect size—large enough to not feel like high school, but small enough so as not to be trampled as you rush to your chemistry final.
Current Living Situation
Freshmen are guaranteed on-campus housing and approximately 91% of freshmen live on campus. My dorms are pretty typical; expect to live with two other roommates in one room. It sounds cramped, and while it certainly isn't spacious, each room has its own bathroom.
It may not be the Hilton, but at least no one will be around to make fun of your shower shorts.
I offer a few different types of living: the classic dorm rooms, apartments, and motel-style rooms that open to the outside. After that, students typically live in houses surrounding me. Since I'm growing so quickly, it's hard to get on-campus housing after freshman year. Students frequently choose to live off campus after their first year anyway, though. It's cheaper and there are no creepy RAs listening for noise complaints.
Relationship Status
My biggest "rival" (a.k.a. my "big brother") is, without a doubt, the University of Southern California. As I mentioned before, I'm growing fast and one of the main reasons is because of my state-of-the-art Dodge College of Film and Media Arts.
However, I'm still in SoCal, and so is USC. Most people still think of him when someone mentions film school…well, him or NYU. One key difference: I offer smaller classes with virtually the same equipment and tons of internship opportunities.
One of the first questions I get asked is if I'm a Christian university. No, I'm not. Although I was originally founded by the Disciples of Christ, I no longer have an affiliation with them. That means there's no required religion classes or mandatory church attendance. However, if religion is something you want to be part of your life, I have clubs for virtually every religion and they hold weekly services with events open to all.
When most people think of Orange County, they imagine super conservative and close-minded people. While that may be true for other parts of the county, I'm an island of blue. Well…maybe blueish-purple. As with most liberal arts institutions, you're going to find a large spectrum of political associations.
However, it's not something that comes up a lot. Most people tend to keep their opinions to themselves and respect the beliefs of others.
You should apply to me if...
you want to go to a rapidly growing university that boasts not only top-notch programs, but also insanely beautiful people and the best weather in the country.