Baylor University

About Me
I'm pretty sure I know what you've been told. I've heard all about how I'm a religious fanatic who doesn't know how to have any fun. Well, you can't believe everything you hear. When you do, you end up missing out on epic Nerf gun battles during Humans vs. Zombies week. No one wants to miss that.
Sure, my faith is important to me, but let's be real. There's far more to me than that.
First of all, I'm smart. Like, really smart. I have some of the best programs for medicine and business. Not only that, but I also offer some incredible research opportunities. Did you hear about how we can track pollution change using a whale's earwax? Or about the forensic scientists working along the U.S./Mexico border? Yeah, all of that was started by my students and faculty.
I'm also extremely involved in helping my community. Service projects, mission trips, blood drives, fundraisers…you name it, we do it. Baylor Nation is loud and proud when it comes to bettering the community.
Amidst all of the achievements and academia, I know how to have a good time, too. Whether partying or just hanging out, there's a place for everyone, and there's always something happening thanks to all our various Greek chapters. I even have a school-wide holiday completely devoted to having fun, Diadeloso. It's pretty great.
Bruiser the bear.
Good ol' Wacky Waco
Body Type
Not too big, not too small, but just right. Goldilocks would pretty much be all over me. I'm a comfortable size at 13,800 undergrads, all spread over 1,000 acres of campus. Although, it certainly feels like I'm getting larger every year.
My campus is easy enough to walk across; it takes fifteen minutes to get from one end to the other. Fifteen glorious minutes, that is. Yeah, I'm pretty gorgeous. If you have time, take a seat on one of my many hanging benches and just enjoy all the trees and flowers.
Current Living Situation
Pretty much everyone is required to live in my dorms for their freshman year before moving into one of the many apartments around my campus—sometimes for two, just depending on the dorm. I've got a wide variety of housing options for all sorts of students.
Looking for a social, sorority-based dorm? Go to Collins. Want a manly dorm with lots of sports parties? Penland is the way to go. Need a quiet space for all your studying? Memorial and Alexander are where it's at.
Actually, all of my dorms are pretty great. They're decently roomy and they all have their own dining halls, which is irrefutably awesome. (Make sure to check out the Brooks dining hall. It totally channels Harry Potter vibes.) There are all kinds of social events that get planned by different dorms, so you'll feel right at home no matter where you end up.
Relationship Status
I'm a friend to everybody. Except for when they play me in football, that is.
Especially TCU. I don't like to talk about TCU.
Here's the thing—I'm a Baptist, and I'm proud of that. My faith influences a lot of what I do, but honestly, I'm cool with other religions/denominations, too. Whatever floats your boat, so long as you don't drink or do drugs around me. If you come here, you'll need to attend Chapel twice a week for a year (but almost everyone sleeps through that, so no worries).
I suppose I would be more conservative, but there's also a fair amount of liberal students hanging around.
You should apply to me if...
you're a fan of the man upstairs and you want to make a difference.